Pablo Clark

Pablo Clark

Data Analyst & Researcher

About Me

I am a data analyst and researcher with seven years of experience working in a non-governmental organization. My work has focused on different topics in education, such as gender equality in STEM, higher education economic returns and school choice in Mexico. I also worked on several websites that use data to help students, parents and schools make evidence-based decisions about their education.

I studied sociology and mostly learned qualitative methods like ethnography, but data analysis has become one of my favorite parts of doing research during my professional work and I especially enjoy using R to produce analysis, visualizations and dashboards. I built this site to showcase my experience and demonstrate the skills I could contribute in a new professional role.

Download my CV .

  • Bachelor's in Sociology, 2015

    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

  • Master in Sociology, 2024

    University of Gothenburg


These are the projects I was most involved in while working at IMCO, a non-government organization based in Mexico City. Some of them are policy analysis and others are policy interventions.

Compara Carreras is an online tool that displays labor market data of college graduates in Mexico, like earnings, tuition costs, employment rates and return on investment, and allows easy comparisons between different majors. This site helps prospective college students understand the economical costs, benefits and risks associated with different academic programs, so that their choice can balance their interests and aptitudes with their financial expectations.
Compara Carreras
¿Dónde están las científicas?
This research report is a snapshot of the presence of women in STEM in universities and the workforce in Mexico. It uses data from a labor market survey and college administrative records to outline the main challenges that women who study or work in STEM faced between 2012 and 2021 and offers some policy suggestions on how to address these issues.
¿Dónde están las científicas?
Mapa de Reconstrucción Escolar
The School Reconstruction Map is an interactive map showing schools which were damaged by the 2019 earthquakes in Mexico. The map represents the level of damage of each building and its rebuilding status at a glance. Pop-up cards for each school offer more details, such as the budget it received and how much it spent. Its goals are to increase cooperation between public and private stakeholders, support accountability and facilitate transparency in the rebuilding of education infrastructure.
Mapa de Reconstrucción Escolar
Educación en pandemia
Two research reports that analyze distance-learning policies during the pandemic in the Mexican educational system. The first document explores the effects of remote schooling on pupil’s attendance and learning, in order to argue the urgency of public policies that manage the medium term consequences of a generation of students who learned less or cut their education short. The second document zooms in on the the actions implemented during the return to in-person classes, which intended to provide teachers with tools to diagnose student learning and to give support to pupils who fell behind their peers.
Educación en pandemia
Mejora Tu Escuela
Mejora Tu Escuela is an online platform that provides citizens with data about school performance. It helps parents choose the best option for their children, empowers them to demand higher-quality education, and gives them tools to get involved in their children’s schooling. It also provides school administrators, policymakers and NGOs with data to identify areas requiring improvement and hotbeds of corruption, in the process raising the overall quality of education in Mexico.
Mejora Tu Escuela


Most of my work as a researcher and data analyst involved some form of writing. I regularly wrote reports, policy analysis briefs, opinion articles, grant proposals and social media material, and it was one of my favorite parts of my job. This is a selection of that work.

Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2022). ¿Dónde están las científicas? Brechas de género en carreras STEM. Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad.

PDF Code Project

(2022). Las niñas y las mujeres en la ciencia. La Lista.

Project Source Document

(2021). Regreso a clases sin brújula. Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad.

PDF Project

(2021). El fracaso comunicacional del regreso a clases en México. Washington Post.

Source Document

(2021). Educación en pandemia: riesgos de las clases a distancia. Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad.

PDF Code Project

(2019). Los que aprenden y los que no: brechas escolares, desigualdad social y políticas educativas. Índice de Competitividad Internacional 2019.


(2018). Manéjese con cuidado: Aula es destino. Nexos: Sociedad, Ciencia, Literatura, vol. 40, no. 490, Oct. 2018, pp. 33.

Source Document

(2018). Un sistema educativo en obra negra. Nexos - Distancia por tiempos.

Project Source Document



I used R most days in my previous role. Tasks like merging, filtering and analyzing data were part of all the projects I worked on. I also wrote scripts to replicate most of these tasks and be able to save time when I was working on recurring projects. I also know how to build basic dashboards using Shiny.

Data Analysis and Visualization

I produced analysis and visualizations to prepare data for our web tools and for analysis, to answer research questions, and to turn our results into stories that communicate our findings to other audiences.

Public Speaking and Presentations

I was a spokesman for the projects I led and regularly gave interviews, participated in forums and represented them at conferences with stakeholders such as our users, donors or public officials.


I’ve published several research reports, policy analysis briefs, opinion articles, grant proposals and essays. I also routinely drafted and collaborated in writing press releases, social media materials and presentations.

Project Management

I was in charge of several analysis projects and web tools. My responsabilities included planning their goals and stages, collecting and analyzing its data, tracking its processes and outcomes, and working together with other teams to make sure the projects moved along timely and appropriately.


I have basic SQL skills. The projects that involved web tools occasionally required me to query data, before working with it in some other software like R. I also had to be familiar with parts of the data models, as I often prepared data for others insert into our sites´ databases.

Courses & Certifications

I’m always looking to learn new subjects and skills. These are the courses that have contributed something important to me.

SQL for Data Science
All of my little knowledge of SQL was self-taught, so I used this course to review and expand on that experience.
See certificate
Creating a Dynamic Web Application using RShiny.
In this short course I learned the basics of using Shiny for building simple dashboards.
See certificate
Education in Crisis
Two week seminar in Gummersbach, Germany analyzing the challenges and opportunities that educational systems around the world face in the 21th century.
What Works in Education? Evidence-based education policy
A course in spanish offered by IDBx, an online learning initiative from the Interamerican Development Bank.
See certificate
Statistical Models in R
This 24-hour course at National Laboratory for Public Policy focused on generalized linear model techniques and was taught using R.
Statistical Inference in R
This 24-hour course at National Laboratory for Public Policy focused on sampling and inference techniques using R.


I started working at IMCO, a non-government organization, while finishing college and I stayed there for seven years. After that I had roles as an Online Data Anylist and a Customer Service Representative. At the moment, I’m preparing to start a Master’s in Sociology at the University of Gothenburg.

Customer Service Representative
The 7th Circle
Dec 2022 – May 2024 Barcelona, Spain
  • Communicate with customers over the phone to create accounts, sell services and manage appointments
  • Update database records of customers interactions, transactions and complaints
Online Data Analyst
Telus International AI
May 2022 – Dec 2022 Remote
Analyze and provide feedback on text, web pages, images and other types of information for leading search engines.
Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad A.C.
Jan 2015 – May 2022 Mexico City, Mexico
  • Led public policy analysis projects in topics such as higher education economic returns, school choice, and women in STEM
  • Analyzed data and created visualizations to answer research questions and turn insights into stories in reports, opinion articles, presentations and essays
  • Collected data from various sources and wrote scripts to transform it for use in relational databases
  • Managed development of a website and maintained two other web tools, coordinating the work of the developer, analyst and communications team
  • Wrote grant proposals, research reports and presentations and communication materials such as opinion articles and infographics
  • Presented research findings to donors, clients, media and other stakeholders
  • Used Google Analytics to monitor site usage, track objectives and suggest improvements
Teacher Assistant
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Jan 2020 – Jul 2020 Mexico City, Mexico
Served as teacher assistant in the ‘Applied statistics in the social sciences II” course for sociology students. Helped to prepare materials for lessons, graded course work and supported students in learning how to use R and RStudio software.